Window of Opportunity Grants
2024-25 WOO Grant Applications are now open and will be accepted between
Tuesday, October 15th and Friday, December 20th!
Window of Opportunity
2024-25 Grant Application Process
Keep North Carolina Beautiful operates a financial grant process that is open to any 501(c)3 organization in the state of North Carolina that educates our state's youth with regard to our environment and sustainability. The grants are for outdoor classroom projects that enhance the beautification of campuses throughout NC, along with replenishment and recycling projects that educate the youth of North Carolina on the impacts of preserving and enhancing our state’s environmental sustainability.
Window of Opportunity (WOO) Grants are awarded at $1000 each.
WOO Grant projects should be designed with a specific budget, time-line and completion date.
Think of projects that involve students collaborating on the site planning & design, the budgeting, and working together as a team to develop the project with hands on activities. Aim for projects with intended learning principles and specific outcomes, presenting projects that contribute positively to the environment and/or sustainability. Good examples include native tree plantings, flower plantings, pollinator gardens, hand-made bird houses, mosaic stepping stones, or hand-made items that contribute to an outdoor learning environment, etc...
Each applicant needs to complete the application, from the link below, and attach a PDF file with the expected student learnings of the project, scope of work, line-item budget, and project time-line. A Letter of Commitment, from the link below, is also required from the organization’s principal or director. The project outline also must be submitted with the completed Letter of Commitment. ​
If your school or student learning organization receives a WOO Grant, an expense report must be submitted to KNCB once the project is completed with an itemized list of expenditures totaling the grant awarded. In addition, photos of the project site prior to the project start, during the project work and at completion of the project are required.
The application dealine is Friday, December 20, 2024.
Out of respect to those who meet the deadline, no exceptions will be allowed.
All grant award recipients will be notified via email no later than January 31, 2025.
Please email all applications to kyle@keepncbeautiful.org with the subject line: 2025 WOO Grant Application