Keep North Carolina Beautiful Board of Directors

Jerry Oliver
President of the Board
Partner - Fox Rothschild LLP
It has been my honor and privilege to have served on the board of NC Beautiful, now Keep NC Beautiful, for over 20 years. Our Mission is to serve the people of North Carolina by promoting and protecting the beauty of North Carolina through beautification efforts, such as our annual Azalea give away festival, and to provide WOO Grants to our K-12 students and teachers across the state. The purpose of the grants is for our teachers to teach our children about the importance of protecting the environmental beauty of our state and keeping it clean and green for all our citizens.
Nothing has given me more pleasure than to see what our teachers have accomplished and the delight you see in the faces of the children who learn from them.

Gray Shell
Board Secretary/Treasurer
President -TriPointe Homes
As a life-long resident of North Carolina, I take pride in the beauty of our State and our vast natural resources from the mountains to the coast. I first learned about Keep North Carolina Beautiful as a participant in our annual Golf Classic in 2001.
I am proud to have now served over the Board for over 10 years to help promote our mission of environmental beautification, stewardship, and education.

Amy Baldwin
Board Member
President - United Partnerships
"I am passionate about the intersection of nature and community enhancement and know that beautification projects play a vital role in fostering pride and well-being within our state. I value environmental stewardship and community engagement, and am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to support the mission of promoting environmental awareness, education, beautification efforts, and sustainable practices.
Being on the board of directors presents an opportunity for me to actively participate in initiatives that both enhance our surroundings and positively impact the lives of residents and future generations."

TJ Bugbee
Board Member
Executive Director - North Carolina Outdoor Advertising Association
“Keep NC Beautiful’s mission is vital to keeping North Carolina one of the most beautiful states in the country. KNCB engages the business community, affiliates, and volunteers to support environmental education and beautification opportunities across the state, and the outdoor advertising industry here in NC is proud to be one of KNCB’s many partners.
It is an honor to serve on the Board of Directors for KNCB, and assist in enhancing the aesthetics of our communities.”

Brownie Futrell
Board Member
Former Publisher - Washington Daily News (Retired), BBQ Aficionado
"I believe strongly in being a good steward of the natural resources of the state of North Carolina. As such, I have been on the boards of the NC Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Authority, NC Beautiful, NC Friends of State Parks and Keep NC Beautiful.
It is a privilege to work toward ensuring that future generations might share in the rich blessings we have been bestowed."

Lynne Gugliemi Barbour
Board Member
Vice President of Workforce
Project Kitty Hawk
"As a board member of Keep North Carolina Beautiful, I aim to have impact across Wake County and North Carolina by leveraging my professional network in K-12 and higher education and aligning WOO grant outreach with educators that embrace hands-on learning experiences.
I am committed to fostering a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable environment for the entire state of North Carolina"

Butch Gunnells
Board Member
Former President of North Carolina Beverage Association - Retired
"You might be too young to recall the 1971 anti-litter campaign started on Earth Day. It featured Iron Eyes Cody portraying a “Crying Indian”. He was shedding a tear as he witnessed the despoiling of our world’s natural beauty due to careless littering and pollution. That ad campaign stuck with me. About that same time, and maybe influenced by that ad, Governor & Mrs. Dan K. Moore founded the non-profit group, Keep North Carolina Beautiful.
Now, in its modern form, this group continues to promote beautification, discourage littering, and encourage recycling and, more broadly, sustainable growth.
KNCB is a place where concerned individuals, businesses, and even the public sector can throw your support, and trust that your dollars will reach out to communities all over NC, to help educators and other leaders truly committed to enhancing our state’s beauty.
I’m fortunate to serve on this Board of Directors.

Trevor Johnson
Board Member
President - North Carolina Beverage Association
"I support KNCB's commitment to promoting beautification projects and encouraging responsible recycling which has significant impact at the local and statewide level. Each making North Carolina a better place to live, work, and play!"

Tania Dautlick
Board Member
Executive Director - Keep Durham Beautiful
"Keep NC Beautiful has unprecedented potential to increase equitable access to green biodiverse spaces, cooling street trees, and litter-free corridors and waterways. During my 12-year tenure with the Keep Durham Beautiful affiliate, I have seen first-hand how beautification resources in neighborhoods and schools builds stronger community, increases safety, and elevates environmental justice.
Through the projects and organizations KNCB supports, we can improve the health and well-being for all North Carolinians."

Rebecca Coplin
Board Member
High Point Beautification Supervisor - City of High Point
"I am honored to serve on behalf of Keep North Carolina Beautiful and to continue the work across the state to make North Carolina the most beautiful and environmentally healthy state it can be. I believe that our state is one of the most diverse and beautiful in the country.
I enjoy engaging businesses, developing partnerships, and “digging in” on small and large initiatives and projects with employees and citizens in our communities to continue to keep NC clean, green, and beautiful."