Window of Opportunity Grant Project Page

Bailey Elementary School
6288 Pine Street
Bailey, NC 27807
Nash County
Project:Garden Beautification & Litter Cleanup/Prevention
Purpose: Bailey Elementary School is a Title I pre-K through 5th grade elementary school serving 575 students just outside Rocky Mount, NC. As the only elementary school in the town, it is a hub of activity for both the school population as well as the community. To truly be a positive representation of our students, staff, families, and community, we would like to use Keep North Carolina Beautiful funds to serve three purposes:
1. Refurbish the public-facing welcome areas
2. Enhance the pre-K playground area
3. Create a school-wide litter prevention campaign by installing outdoor trash and recycle receptacles at strategic locations around campus
Narrative/Scope of Work: The Bailey is Beautiful project is intended to make the outside of our school match the innovation, creativity, and pride reflected on the inside of our classrooms and multipurpose spaces. To accomplish this, we would like to focus on three areas of campus, the first being the natural area in front of the school. This area is in desperate need of mulch and some additional colorful plants to provide a welcoming path for families as they enter the school from the parking lot.
Secondly, we would like to refresh the sand in the pre-K playground's sandbox area. Our 36 pre-K students use this area daily for exercise, social interaction, and gross and fine motor skill development. It is imperative that they have sand free of debris, trash, sticks, or rocks to serve their daily needs safely and effectively.
Finally, the school would like to involve all students in a school-wide litter prevention campaign. This would involve periodic campus clean-up projects by students in all grades. We believe that children of all ages can have positive impacts on the world around them. Keeping our campus neat and clean is a small way that we can simultaneously instill pride in our school and promote stewardship for our environment. Upper grades will use these clean-up projects to discuss topics such as the impact of litter on ecosystems while lower grades may use the projects to focus on social and emotional learning concepts like helping others, teamwork, and empathy. To assist with the litter prevention, we would like to install commercial grade outdoor trash cans at strategic locations around campus. We would also use grant funds to purchase trash bags for the cans as well as trash bags and gloves for students and families to use on campus clean-up days. We intend to purchase gloves in various sizes (Small, Medium, Large), to be able to accomodate any user. The litter prevention campaign will continue as an ongoing campus program involving students year after year.

Project Development