Window of Opportunity Grant Project

Durant Road Middle School
10401 Durant Rd, Raleigh, NC 27614
Wake County
Project: Planting for Pollinators
Application Request/Project Summary:
The Durant Road Middle School Agriculture Program seeks to establish a pollinator garden to enhance the school’s existing garden space and provide experiential learning opportunities for students. This project aligns with the purpose of Keep North Carolina Beautiful by educating our state's youth about the environment and sustainability while enhancing the beautification of our school campus.
The garden will focus on the essential role of pollinators in food production, biodiversity, and local ecosystems, reinforcing the importance of environmental stewardship.Our garden project will begin in the classroom, with 7th grade agriculture students learning about plant parts and functions, the basic requirements for plant growth, and the role of pollinators in plant reproduction. Students will apply this knowledge to a group project in which they will design pollinator gardens that incorporate native plants. After presenting their projects, students will vote on the best design to serve as the blueprint for the actual garden.The implementation phase of the project will involve preparing the site, planting native plants, and installing educational signage and pollinator habitat features. Following installation, students will maintain the garden and collect data on the types and frequency of pollinators visiting the site.
The pollinator garden will provide students with hands-on learning opportunities while encouraging environmental stewardship. Through participation in this project, students will learn:
The anatomy and physiology of plants
The role of pollinators in food production and biodiversity
The importance of native plants to local ecosystems
This project not only aligns with Keep North Carolina Beautiful’s goal of educating youth about the environment and sustainability but also contributes to the beautification of our school campus. The pollinator garden will serve as part of an outdoor classroom for our agriculture program and a source of pride for the students who design, install, and maintain it. It will also provide a habitat for essential pollinators including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. In turn, this project supports Durant Road Middle School’s mission to provide a relevant and engaging education and graduate students who are collaborative, creative, effective communicators, and critical thinkers.
Project Site Photos
KNCB Visit/Pre-project

Outdoor Classroom Area

Project Development & Completion Photos
Coming Soon!